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InstantFlex TL70 Camera by MiNT CM
InstantFlex TL70
Bring inspiration to people's everyday lives. InstantFlex TL70 is the world's first twin lens instant camera with wide range of apertures and the closest focusing distance. lt combines classic aesthetics and modern functionalities by including 6 groundbreaking features for you to explore. TL70 allows you to take pictures in all lighting conditions with a built-in electric flash, opening up a world of creative possibilities.
InstantFlex TL70是由MiNT發明的全球首台雙鏡即影即有相機,提供多種光圈選擇如f/5.6至f/32,最近對焦距離拉近至48cm,還有讓你可以在所有光暗環境裡拍攝的內置閃光燈,揉合了傳統經典雙鏡機的外型與現代的技術,TL70配合6種不同破格的功能,開拓一個全新充滿可能性的創意世界。
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